
4 free Hotjar features that will improve the user experience (UX) on your website

Discover surprising facts about your website with Hotjar and learn how to improve your UX experience. Understand your users better than ever!
Anna Libront

Table of Contents:

1. UX and Hotjar, or 4 ways to understand your users

2. Heatmaps: Visual Stories About Your Site

3. User Recordings: Insight into User Experience

4. Form Analysis: Improving the Form Filling Process

5. Gathering Feedback: Listening to Your Users

7. Summary

1. UX and Hotjar, or 5 ways to understand your users

In the digital age, the online market is filled with a variety of services and platforms, and being present in this thicket of opportunities poses a challenge for brands. Understanding the behavior and emotions of users becomes crucial - they are the foundation on which the success of digital ventures is built. Whether you run an online store, blog or educational platform, the ultimate goal is always to increase conversions. To achieve this, it is essential to understand your users: what attracts them, what discourages them, what emotions they experience when browsing your site.

Hotjar, is a tool that allows you to delve into the user experience (UX) with revolutionary precision. With features such as heatmaps, session recordings and form analysis, Hotjar opens the door to a world where every element of your website becomes a source of valuable information. It is a tool that was created with innovation and transparency in mind - values that are very close to us at DP Vision.

We encourage you to dive into the following chapters, where we will go step by step through the features of Hotjar, discuss the problems it helps solve, and see how these functions can be found and used in practice. It's a journey that will change your approach to UX and open up new perspectives for your brand in the online world.

2. Heatmaps: Visual Stories About Your Site

In a digital world where competition is just a click of the mouse, understanding how users behave on your website is key to building lasting relationships and increasing conversions. In this context, hotjar heatmaps play an invaluable role, becoming a real support in understanding UX.

What do they help with?

Heatmaps solve a fundamental problem: lack of insight into how users interact with your site. Thanks to the visual data they offer, it is possible to understand which elements are the most attractive and which go unnoticed.

Where to find a feature in Hotjar?

The Heatmap function is available in the Hotjar control panel. After logging into your account, you will find it in the menu on the left, under an icon that looks like a thermogram.

Then how do you do it?

  1. Create a heatmap: The first step is to create a new heatmap for the selected page or page segment on your platform.
  2. Wait: Once the heatmap is activated, Hotjar will start collecting data about mouse movement, clicks and scrolling.
  3. Analyze the results: After collecting the right amount of data, it is recommended to analyze the results to understand which elements of the page attract the attention of users and which are ignored.
  4. Optimize the page: Based on the heatmap analysis, you need to make the necessary changes to the site design to increase user engagement and conversions.
  5. Repeat, test: The analysis and optimization process should be cyclical. Each iteration should bring a better understanding of user needs and a step closer to excellent UX.

3. User Recordings: Insight into User Experience

In the digital age, learning about your users' behavior is more valuable than ever before. Hotjar, through its user recording function, provides us with windows into the world of real interactions with your website.

Why do I need user recordings?
User recordings solve the problem of not having direct insight into the user experience. By analyzing how users navigate your site, what errors they encounter, what discourages them, you gain valuable knowledge that can be used to optimize UX.

Where to find a feature in Hotjar?
The function of recording users can be found in the Hotjar control panel. Once logged in, you will find this feature in the menu on the left, under the camera-like icon.

Then how do you do it?

  1. Enable recording: The first step is to activate the user recording function on selected pages of your site.
  2. Collect data: Hotjar will start recording user sessions, allowing you to observe their interactions with your site.
  3. Analyze Recordings: Browse recordings, paying attention to areas where users encounter difficulties or errors.
  4. Draw conclusions, optimize the site: Based on the observations, identify areas for improvement and make the necessary changes to improve the user experience.
  5. Repeat, test: Continue the process of data collection, analysis and optimization to continuously improve the UX on your website.

4. Form Analysis: Improving the Form Filling Process

Forms are an integral part of many websites, serving as points of contact between the brand and users. Offering opportunities such as subscribing to the newsletter, placing orders or sending inquiries, forms are key to interacting with users. Hotjar, through its form analysis tool, provides relevant information that can help you optimize this process.

What do they help with?
Unoptimized forms can lead to user frustration and lower conversion rates as a result. Form analysis in Hotjar helps identify which form fields are causing difficulties for users, leading to form abandonment.

Where to find a feature in Hotjar?

The form analysis function can be found in the Hotjar control panel. After logging into your account, you will find this feature in the menu on the left, under an icon resembling a form.

Then how do you do it?

  1. Create a form analysis: Activate form analysis for selected forms on your page.
  2. Wait: Hotjar will begin collecting data on how users fill out forms, indicating which fields are most often dropped or cause difficulties.
  3. Analyze the results: Review the data to understand which elements of the form need improvement.
  4. Make corrections: Based on the analysis, make changes to the design of the form or instructions to make the filling process simpler and more intuitive.
  5. Repeat, test: Monitor the impact of changes you make on your conversion rates and continue the optimization process to get the best results.

5. Gathering Feedback: Listening to Your Users

Understanding the user experience is the key to success in the digital world. One of the most direct ways to achieve this is to simply ask them for their opinions. Hotjar offers tools that allow you to easily collect feedback from your users, which is invaluable for improving your site and offering.

What do they help with?

Lack of feedback from users can lead to misunderstanding of their needs and frustration. Hotjar's feedback collection features allow you to directly understand the experiences, suggestions, and issues your users report.

Where to find a feature in Hotjar?

The feedback collection function can be found in the Hotjar control panel. After logging into your account, you will find this feature in the menu on the left, under an icon resembling a conversation bubble.

Then how do you do it?

  1. Create a poll or feedback widget: Choose between creating a survey that will appear on your page or a feedback widget that users can use to submit their feedback.
  2. Define the questions: Specify the questions you want to ask to better understand the experience of your users.
  3. Wait for the data to be collected: Once feedback collection tools are placed on your site, users will be able to submit their feedback.
  4. Analyze reviews: Review collected feedback to identify areas for improvement and potential development opportunities.
  5. Make changes: Based on the feedback you receive, make changes that address reported issues and improve the user experience.
  6. Communication with Users: Inform users of changes based on their feedback, building trust and showing that their feedback is valuable.

6. Summary

By analyzing the various features offered by Hotjar, we have discovered the value of information that can be obtained about the user experience on your site. Hotjar offers a rich set of tools - from heatmaps, through user recordings, form analysis, to collecting feedback. Each of these tools provides unique insights that can help you optimize your website for UX, which in turn leads to higher conversion rates.

Key Conclusions:

  1. Understanding Users: Hotjar allows you to have a deep understanding of your users' behaviors and experiences, which is crucial for improving UX and conversions.
  2. Data-Driven Optimization: The data collected by Hotjar is invaluable for informing optimization decisions, allowing you to make data-driven decisions that lead to real improvements.
  3. Iterative Improvements: The optimization process is continuous - analysis, implementation of changes, testing and iteration is a cycle that will help in the continuous improvement of your site.

Next Steps:

  1. Implementation of Hotjar Tools: If you haven't already, consider implementing Hotjar tools on your website to start collecting valuable data.
  2. Analysis and Optimization: Conduct an analysis of the data obtained and start making improvements to your site.
  3. Collecting Feedback: Encourage users to share feedback and suggestions to further improve UX and build lasting relationships with your user base.

By implementing the indicated steps, you will be able to take full advantage of the possibilities offered by Hotjar, guiding your brand towards a better understanding of users and higher conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
What products does Hotjar offer and how can they help you understand and improve the user experience?

Hotjar offers three products: Observe, Ask and Engage. Observe includes recording and heatmaps, Ask includes feedback and survey capabilities, and Engage includes user interviews1.

How can I improve the user experience to increase conversion?

Know your audience: Understanding how they navigate and click on your site can help improve UX and increase conversions. Use analytics tools to understand user behavior and identify areas for improvement

What tools does Hotjar offer for UX analysis and conversion improvement?

Hotjar offers tools such as heat maps, session recordings, conversion funnels, and form analysis that help businesses understand how users experience their websites, where issues may occur, and how page design can be optimized to increase conversions.

What are Hotjar's pricing plans?

Hotjar offers a $0 basic plan (up to 35 sessions per day) with access to automatic data capture, unlimited heat maps, and HubSpot integration. The $32 per month Plus plan offers additional features such as filtering and data segmentation, with the ability to process up to 100 sessions per day2.

What are the costs of Hotjar plans for larger companies?

Hotjar plans can range from $89/month (for businesses needing to collect data from 20,000 page views per day) to $989/month (for companies processing 800,000 page views per day). Companies that want to analyze more than 2,000,000 page views per day can request a quote from the provider.

Does page load speed affect conversion?

Yes, a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversions. It is important to optimize images and other elements so that the page loads faster. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help you identify areas for improvement.

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